Central African Republic
UN Sanctions
UN Security Council adopted certain restrictions against the Central African Republic. Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 2127 (2013) concerning the Central African Republic is in charge of these measures.
It requests the members to put in place the following restrictions:
Travel bans against listed persons under this regime
Financial sanctions against listed persons under this regime
Arms embargo
EU Sanctions
The EU sanctions regime against the Central African Republic is based on "Council Decision 2013/798/CFSP of 23 December 2013 concerning restrictive measures against the Central African Republic."
This sanctions regime consists of the following restrictive measures:
Travel bans
Financial sanctions (asset freezing)
Arms embargo
U.S. Sanctions
In May 2014, the President of the United State issued E.O. 13667 to address the situation in the Central African Republic. In particular, the President declared a national emergency as he identified a threat to U.S. national security caused by "a breakdown of law and order, inter-sectarian tension, widespread violence and atrocities, and the pervasive, often forced recruitment and use of child soldiers, which threatens the peace, security, or stability of the Central African Republic and neighboring states, and which was addressed by the United Nations Security Council in Resolution 2121 of October 10, 2013, Resolution 2127 of December 5, 2013, and Resolution 2134 of January 28, 2014".
The criteria for being designated under this program are codified in 31 C.F.R 553.
This program is a list-based one. Those listed under this program are identified in the SDN list by the tag of [CAR].